5/6: Annie L. Analysis

1. She would take pictures of famous actors, models, musicians, and influential people. Her style grew from intimate up close shots to portrait, concert, and political imagery that stemmed from fashion to magazine covers.

2. The quote meant to Annie during The Rolling Stones intimates because she literally became one with them, she let herself become a part of their day to day so much that her photography became a stem of their experience. It added a life and a realness to the photos.

3. Her commissioned work definitely is full of more time crunching and scary screaming of please get this right !! I could tell she was more relaxed when it came to things she was just handling on her own.

4. I’d ask her about Susan.

5. It was right before he was killed and it was so intimate.

6. The film was an exploration and dive into what Annie is like. It’s a powerful nosedive into a woman who captures powerful people. What I took away from the documentary was that I wish I was her. She had interesting subjects, astonishing photos, and such a way with these celebrities.


•I like the first photo because of its portrayal of dramatic irony. The drama masks personified. The second one’s photos! Also Adele man!!! She’s so powerful!!! Natalie Portman, wow. This photo with the flowers in the background is amazing. I Stan. The fourth photo of miss Hathaway is powerful and lowkey and well composed.

4/25: NY Times Summary

The photography business is going under. Through all these technological advances, magazine printing and magazine necessity for new photographers and jobs is on the decline. Most of them are fortunate as they use photography as a part time job. However, it’s rough if you use it as your main source. Less jobs are showing up and coming by jobs willing to pay is even more difficult.

3/29: Day in My Life Photo

Right now, in my house, it’s just been a lot of holding on. This picture comes from my family’s shrine of lost loved ones. My wela is the star, but my dad recently got added. It’s been an adjustment in my house and it’s been really rough for all of us. There’s roses everywhere. I took a picture of this one specifically because it was one we put a lil make shift vase to ensure it’s survival. Family is like that. A make shift circle all together trying to keep everything together for survival. That’s what my home life has been like. I took this photo after my brother stayed in my parking lot for 20 minutes crying because he heard a song that my dad used to play to him. This was taken ten minutes before my sister cried from seeing an old birthday post he posted for her. An hour before I mentally broke down, glued my eyebrows down, and went to Snapchat saying my name was Hilda.

3/28: Digital Collage

I’m a queen who likes things to be pretty and to be well constructed. RuPaul is literally super model of the world and especially younger Ru was exceptionally aesthetically pleasing. Her photography with vanity fair and with Nelson are absolutely incredible. I want to be someone who can be looked back on and have people say I’m the super model of the world. I’m a lil Latino baby who stans Latin dancing and all forms of Latin performance art. I love animation and I love illustration. Japanese animators are absolutely peak. I dislike drama and love beautiful instagram photos.

3/26: Vlogging ✨

I’ll be using my 8mm video program to record my life. I’ll probably use music. Toxic by Britney Spears. This relates to photography because making a film is so much HARDER. It’s constantly having to make something interesting, having every shot be perfect, everything has to be visually appealing and it needs to entertain every second to attract and maintain attention. It’s like a photo in the sense that you want it to reach out and touch someone, but it’s much more intense in the fashion that it’s a living, breathing form of your photography. It’s more than just a still shot. Its about every component mixing together. Lighting, posing, setting, etc.

3/25: Day In the Life Photography

This photo shows me the common joy of living and being with people who love you. It’s so powerful in the way it shows the simplicity of happiness. 
This image shows me the emotional connection between the family and it portrays the image of connectivity so well.

I love this image. This kid is really hitting that dance. It’s awesome and it’s fun. It shows a nice peek inside.

It’s been pretty sad around my house recently. This whole week I’ve been planning on working the entirety, so I’ll prob put it on a timer and aim it at my section and see what comes up.